Sessão de apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática (MSI)
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
31 de Maio de 2019, 17h30 - 18h15, sala 1.3.14
- Apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática (António Casimiro, Professor do DI-FCUL e Coordenador do MSI)
- Compreender e gerir o risco em segurança informática (Ana Luísa Respício, Professora do DI-FCUL)
Sessão de apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
7 de Maio de 2018, 17h45 - 19h00, sala 1.3.14
- Apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática (Nuno Neves, Professor da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)
Sessão de apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
20 de Abril de 2017, 17h15 - 18h30, sala 1.3.14
- Apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática (Nuno Neves, Professor da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)
The second Intensive Study Programme in Information Security within the framework of the ParIS programme took place from 11th to 15th April in Lisbon.
Sessão de apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
18 de Abril de 2016, 17h15 - 18h30, sala 6.2.51
- Apresentação do Mestrado em Segurança Informática (Nuno Neves, Professor da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)
- Sistemas ciberfísicos - desafios e oportunidades (António Casimiro, Professor da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)
The 2nd edition of the ISP will be in Lisbon (FCUL), in April 11th-15th, 2016.
Taking the Master in Information Technology – Information Security was a very good decision. It took me a lot of effort and hours to complete it, but it was worth it. Now that I have returned to my company, I was able to choose a project amongst multiple interesting and challenging ones. I am much more motivated and working on something directly related to the master program, so it definitely improved my personal and professional life.
This master provided me with the knowledge to clearly understand the security details in security technologies, while experiencing cutting edge innovative security concepts. The hard work and intense rhythm pays off in the end with a broad and solid information security know-how. This solid information security know-how opens the path for new professional challenges.
Thanks to this program, I feel prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead for myself and the new web security team that I started within my company. One of my goals is to pass some of the knowledge I have gained in this program to my colleagues and hope to foster their interest for security.
Studying in this information security program meant a lot to me. Since I came from China, not only did I have the opportunity to approach security and explore new perspectives in information security, but I also experienced a different country and its culture. The security program provided me with tough tasks, which prepared me very well for my future career. It was worthwhile!
The high standards and demand of this master have broadened my perspective on Information Security, not only because of all the knowledge imparted on the subject but also because of the information acquired trough research and development processes. In my professional life I became able to make more confident and informed decisions about IT Security, which led me to assume wider responsibilities at my job. Completing this Master was a challenge and a hard task. However, the continued daily work gets us so involved that learning becomes a natural consequence.
When I decided to take this master, my only thought was on the advantages it would give me compared to my fellow students at LEI (Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática) since I would have both a master from FCUL and CMU. I see now that I was short-sighted on the advantages. The intense rhythm I was subject to made me more productive, I have found the topic of security to be very interesting and needed in our days, and it opened many doors in my recently started professional life. Best decision I could have taken!
This programme provided me with the opportunity to learn Information Security, from the practical applications to the underlying theoretical basis. Studying in a highly demanding environment developed both my soft and hard skills. Being exposed to the programme high standards, discussing current state-of-knowledge technologies, and methodologies, helped shaping my approach to the ever changing field of Information Security with confidence and structure. When I joined the programme I was trying to change my career, I can surely say that this experience changed my life.”
WELCOMEMaster in Information Security
Radu Onica won the Best Student Paper Award at INFórum 2015 - Simpósio de Informática, held in Covilhã, Portugal, September 7-8, 2015.
Reunião com novos alunos – dia 9/9/2015 às 17h30 na sala 6.3.5.
Altogether 25 students from the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Science, Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Luxembourg followed one joint week of lectures around the topic of information security, held by faculty from the three above-mentioned partner universities as well as the National Technical University of Ukraine –Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Sessão de apresentação do Mestrado de Segurança Informática
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
15 de Abril de 2015, 17h15 – 18h30, sala 6.2.51
– Segurança e confiabilidade no armazenamento de dados através do uso de vários fornecedores de Cloud
– Como Elaborar um Business Case de Segurança Informática – Análise de Risco
– Exame forense digital: enquadramento jurídico e prático
– Segurança de Informação: a importância de uma formação sólida
No âmbito do projeto ParIS (Partnership in Information Security), do programa erasmus+, 9 alunos e 3 professores da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa irão participar num programa de estudos intensivo na área da segurança da informação e sistemas de 23 a 27 de Março de 2015 na Universidade do Luxemburgo. O programa irá reunir alunos e professores das várias instituições de ensino superior que participam no projeto: Faculdade de Lisboa da Universidade de Lisboa, Universidade do Luxemburgo, Universidade de Tecnologia de Varsóvia e Universidade Técnica Nacional da Ucrânia.
The Departamento de Informática da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa participates in the strategic project “Partnership in Information Security” that has been approved within the program Erasmus+, in the field of strategic partnerships for higher education (Set 2014 – Aug 2017).
The main goal of the project is to establish a Joint Master Degree in Security, by establishing a consortium of higher education and research organisations active in the strategic area of security and dependability in information and infrastructure.